Friday, September 10, 2010

The painting cave

This week we have been varnishing. Erick has been using the sprayer with the air compressor to do the peak and high parts, and I've been doing the living room with a brush. Once the sprayer gets going, the air fills with varnish mist and it's like a big old bat cave in there. We wear vapour masks the whole time. Also we don't have power hooked up to our place yet, so we're running the big fat extension cord from the barn. Where we're running an air compressor, two high power spot lights, and fans to push the varnish mist outside, we're drawing a lot of current. At best, when the air compressor turns on, the lights go off, and then come on again once the air compressor stops. Unfortunately though, it often happens that when the air compressor goes on, we trip the breaker, which shuts off all the lights, and they don't turn back on again. Then I stumble through the thick dark varnish mist, tripping over power cords and fans, to go up to the barn and reset the breaker.


Anonymous Marcelle said...

Neat looking pictures!

6:53 AM  
Blogger PsycChicMegaWatts said...

House is looking great Rosie!


12:54 PM  

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