Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pick a Favourite - finished!

The number one reaction to this painting seems to be for the viewer to point out which pebble they like best, so that's what jumped out at me for a title. So, what's your favourite? Mine is the shy triangular white one with a translucent purpley sheen on the bottom of the left side of the painting (right above the word 'favourite'). So unassumingly pretty. :)

Incidentally, this is the first painting to be signed 'V R Burley' instead of 'V R Buerkle'.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The chocolate production line

The past few weeks I've been too busy making truffles to do much of anything else. I spent several days and evenings on the chocolate production line. In total I made five varieties:
White chocolate cherry
White chocolate Grand Marnier
Milk chocolate Irish cream
Milk chocolate peanut butter
Dark Chocolate almond and amaretto

I only got good photos of two varieties though. Above are the milk chocolate Irish creams, and below are some of the white chocolate Grand Marnier truffles.
I made about 240+ in total, but I hadn't counted on the rate at which truffles disappear out of the freezer, so I may be making another batch of the dark chocolate ones after Christmas. Erick, you wouldn't know anything about the disappearing truffles, would you? :)