Monday, November 14, 2011

New house pictures

After a very long time not posting any new pictures, here are the latest.

Here's the kitchen. It's no coincidence that Emma is sitting in front of the cupboard where the treats live.
Another kitchen picture. Those two small paintings on the wall were two from the Artists by the Sea event in St. Andrews that didn't sell, for which I'm glad, because I love them there!
The hallway, with a mix of older paintings.
The living room.
Another view of the living room. Yes, Emma was following me around while I took pictures.

Another shot of the living room. Those are some of my grandfather's paintings on the wall. Yes, Erick was watching Mythbusters.

And the bedroom. It doesn't take Emma long to get comfy on our duvet.


Blogger PsycChicMegaWatts said...

Beautiful Rosie!

Barn photos next??


12:35 PM  
Blogger Pippa said...

lol. Well, the barn photos may be a while yet. It still looks much the same in the barn part as it did months ago. No stalls yet! The workshop part is looking great though, with a nice bathroom and nice painted white walls.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Erick said...

Soon to come... Railings! Yeah for not falling to your death!

4:13 AM  

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