Jerry the gentle giant...
Ok so Jerry isn't really a giant, but he is our crackfiller. And he's awesome - and not just because he wears stilts. He's a grizzled looking newfie that used to live next to Erick's parents. Within the first five minutes of showing up the first day to do some crackfilling, he was telling me about the time he heard a knock on the door at 9:30 one halloween night, and opened it (with surprise) to Erick's dad (Mike), dressed like a lady. Apparently Mike sat down and had a serious conversation with Jerry, perfectly straight faced the entire time.
One of the first spots Erick and I drywalled was our hallway. We (will) have a smoke alarm there, and we had to cut a hole in the drywall for the octagon box the smoke alarm connects to. Well, Jerry saw the hole that was cut and said (in his Newfoundland accent)
"A square hole for an octagon box Erick? Really?
By the way, the bottom of the beam grazing the top of Jerry's head in that photo is at 7'10" off the floor.
One of the first spots Erick and I drywalled was our hallway. We (will) have a smoke alarm there, and we had to cut a hole in the drywall for the octagon box the smoke alarm connects to. Well, Jerry saw the hole that was cut and said (in his Newfoundland accent)
"A square hole for an octagon box Erick? Really?
By the way, the bottom of the beam grazing the top of Jerry's head in that photo is at 7'10" off the floor.