Monday, April 16, 2007

More roses...

I started this one yesterday, and finished it at lunch today. It's 8.5x11 on canson. I like it because in the reference pic the vase wasn't gold... it was yellow marble. So I am happy that I could make the vase look somewhat golden without the help of a picture. Ok, I did look at some gold christmas ornaments to see how the highlights work, but I don't think that's toooo much of a cheat! ;)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Morning sunshine

Here's another one I did today. I'm trying to figure out how to do flowers loosely, without making them look like colourful smudgy blobs. :P I've still got a ways to go!

Don't get koi with me...

Here's a pastel that I finished this morning... Unisons and rembrants on Canson paper. 8.5x11 inches. I like the right half, but I think there is too much white in total. For the moment I am finished with it, but I may go back in a week or so and make a few fixes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

a better crop?

I wonder if this looks better a bit cropped.... Hrm. I like how this looks a lot.
How about this one?

Monday, April 09, 2007

On a roll...

Ok, heres another one I did today. :) I'm very pleased with this one.

New Colour High!

Today (having the whole day off! :) I did a pastel. I was sick of sucking with the watercolours and wanted to try the techniques I used in the water pastel of a few weeks ago in something else. I think this one is the best pastel I've done in terms of colour. yay me. :)
Here it the process: (You can see the colours coming together in the second picture from the last)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

white rose macro

Here is a macro of a white rose I finished last night... Watercolour, 7x10. I'm not completely disappointed with it... :P

Monday, April 02, 2007

Another painting of my sister's

This is another painting of my sister's that I thought I'd share. I think it's great... the colours are super fresh and theres a looseness about it that makes it intriguing.