More window shots
Since I was a bad blogger yesterday and didn't take any new photos of what was done yesterday, I thought I'd post a couple more pictures of the window and door holes. Here is the mudroom and mudroom door hole. On the left of the door hole you can see the big closet. Th mudroom door will be solid (no glass), but we are planning on having a screen door there as well for air flow.
And here is my favourite window - the master bedroom. This window is on the east wall and in the morning the sun shines directly in. Yesterday morning I sat in that window and drank my coffee like a cat in the sun. It was lovely. Also note the fairly huge closet. :)
Yesterday we were working on the house from 8:00 to 1:00 - and I'm pleased to say that after about 10am, there was *very* little sun shining directly into our house which meant that the house stayed cool all day. I was glad to see that because I was concerned that having all the southern windows would make our house overheat in the summer. But it seems that the sun is high enough in the sky this time of year that the roof overhang keeps it out.
Ok, one last window shot (this is the south west corner, and no it's not really that dark):
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